About Us

To provide a voice and promote the highest quality and standards of Iowa’s Emergency Medical Services.


The Iowa Emergency Medical Services Association strives to continually improve emergency medical services in Iowa by: Promoting and advancing the quality of care and professionalism of those who deliver emergency medical care throughout Iowa. Promoting and providing public education and information related to emergency medical care. Serving as a channel of communication for local and county EMS groups to share their concerns with state and national agencies. Promoting the development of the highest ethical standards for EMS care providers.


Founded in 1987, IEMSA has been actively involved in emergency medical care in Iowa. The Iowa EMS Association has been the guiding force in:

  • Initiating and supporting EMS legislation for funding of training and equipment for ambulance services in Iowa.
  • Representing its members on task forces, advisory groups and boards at the local, regional, state and national levels.
  • Addressing issues that affect EMS services through service director meetings and educational programs.
  • Establishing a communication link for its members through a newsletter that provides updates on current EMS happenings.
  • Bringing nationally recognized speakers and topics to a statewide Annual EMS Conference and Trade Show.